LOSSteam MetroWest
The LOSSteam (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) is a volunteer group of suicide loss survivors who are called to the scene of a suicide to provide comfort, support, and local resources to the family and friends of the deceased.
The program is an Active Postvention Model (APM) and was developed by Dr. Frank Campbell whose first LOSS Team was formed in Baton Rouge, LA in 1997. His research shows that on average, loved ones who are visited by a LOSS Team will reach out for help in 45 days (as soon as 39), compared to 4.5 years without LOSS Team intervention. For more information about Dr. Campbell’s LOSS Team model, click here.
The overall goal of the program is for survivors to seek help as soon as possible after their loss.
"The experience is incredibly rewarding. I am honored to be witness to those who are suffering so profoundly. The raw emotion that our volunteers are privy to is palpable. Knowing that we have been able to help people begin to process their grief, even in the smallest way, is truly gratifying."