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Below are some additional resources available to the suicide loss survivor community through Call2Talk's Postvention Support Services. LOSSteam MetroWest is our flagship program. The goal is to provide support beyond the immediate aftermath of a suicide, to help survivors navigate their loss.


Guiding Survivors to Hope
The Guiding Survivors to Hope program is an extension of LOSSteam MetroWest. It allows our team to support survivors beyond the immediate crisis and initial days after the loss, to touch base and continue the conversation under calmer circumstances. Survivors have continued access to LOSS Team volunteers during the critical weeks following the loss. Request a phone or zoom call, or an in-person visit by emailing the team at


Move4Ward Network 

The Move4Ward Network offers a virtual support group specifically for women who have lost a spouse or life partner to suicide. The group meets via Zoom on the last Wednesday of each month from 6-7:00pm. 


Members of the group find strength in each other’s stories, validation in their shared experiences, and comfort in knowing that they are not alone. The group provides a safe and supportive space for women to share their journey through loss and lean on each other as they navigate the “new normal” of their lives.


The group is facilitated by long term survivors of partner suicide. Please visit to register.


The Move4Ward Network also offers an in-person group for anyone 18+ impacted by suicide loss. The group meets on the second Saturday of every month from 10:30-11:30am at the Call2Talk office located at 46 Park Street in Framingham.


This group provides a safe space for loss survivors to connect with a community of their peers, share stories and insights, process grief and find solace with those who have also experienced this complex type of loss. Sharing feelings and experiences within a group that truly understands, without judgement, can help ease emotional distress and feelings of isolation.


The group is facilitated by a long-term loss survivor and a clinical social worker. Registration is not required to attend the in-person meetings.

Lending Library 


With support from the MetroWest Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention, Call2Talk is proud to present THE CANTOR JODI M. SCHECHTMAN MEMORIAL LENDING LIBRARY. This collection of books is dedicated to bereavement, loss, grief, hope and renewal. It will serve as a source of comfort to those who are bereaved as well as a support to students involved in this area of study.

Quarterly Newsletter


Stay informed by reading our quarterly newsletters! Learn more about the team, our engagement within the community, and the additional services we offer.

If you or a loved one are having thoughts of suicide or in emotional distress, we encourage you to reach out for help. Please call or text 988 for free and confidential emotional support 24/7.


MA LOSS Teams operate independently.


© LOSSteam MetroWest 2017



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